

January 4, 2013

Eat your Veggies. | A very do-able New Years Resolution for health | Lawrence Photographer

Can you count on one hand how many New Years Resolutions you’ve actually kept over your lifetime?

I definitely can.  In fact, to count how many “successes” I’ve had, I should probably just start chopping my fingers off completely.

We have the best intentions by making these resolutions, whether it be to find a new job, lose weight, or buy a home.  We rarely give these broad “goals” a way to be resolved…we need a plan.

After recently coming down with a nasty stomach bug (seriously guys, I can’t remember a time I’ve been that sick), I realized just how BAD my diet is.  Could that have made me immune to the sickness?  I don’t know.  But I imagine it could have made the symptoms less severe.  Even though I exercise to keep my weight in check, I rarely monitor what I’m eating.  I’m ALWAYS eating on the go, especially with photography.  We’re so busy in todays world that it’s super easy to forget to take care of ourselves, or just “not have time.”

Instead of coming up with a broad resolution to “eat better,” I’ve decided to create a slow, attainable goal of eating one piece (or full serving) of a fruit and a vegetable per day.  If you can believe it, I actually haven’t been doing this.  If it’s there, I’ll eat it, but rarely do I go out of my way to eat the things which should be giving my body nutrients and energy.  And IN my line of work, this IS especially important.

I created this simple calendar to print out and use.  I can put it on my fridge, fold it up and keep it in my purse, or whatever.  It’s there…I will always see it and remember it.  It’s very simple to just grab a piece of fruit and eat it when I’m craving a snack.  Easy and harmless, AND I can be proud when I get to pick up my pen and mark it off for the day.  I can’t wait until I fill up an entire month!  I’m also excited about seeing results, whether that be increased energy, my clothes fitting better, better sleep, etc!



I invite you to download this file here to print out and use for yourself and your family!  The most important thing is…don’t stop here…if you eat more essential foods, that is FANTASTIC!  This is just insurance that you are eating at least some, every single day.  Enjoy!



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